In my Sunday School class we're doing a study on Heaven, a subject not often delved deeply into. It's definitely a good topic of study, and I would guess that many people do not know much about the place. However, I have noticed a few things in the class that just don't sit right with me. First, the teacher is using the Message as his main teaching text. That is not, in my opinion, a trustworthy, or even a valid, Bible translation. Several times during this study I have seen discrepancies between the verses the teacher projects on the screen, and the verses in my Bible. The second disturbing thing is that the teacher openly claims to not understand Revelations. This might be ok if he were teaching on another topic, but Heaven shows up a lot in Revelations, and we have been looking at many passages from this book. Thirdly, he has put forth the ideas that 1) Paradise may be the literal Garden of Eden; 2) Paradise and Heaven are different places; 3) There is a place called "Intermediate Heaven" where the saved are right now. Let's look at these three ideas a little more in-depth. The first idea will be discussed below, and the second and third in subsequent posts.
1) Paradise as the literal Garden of Eden. The teacher of the class tried to bring forth compelling argument to show that Paradise and the Garden of Eden are the same; that it was lifted from the earth. He based this idea on the Bible's lack of mention of said Garden after the expulsion of Adam and Eve; on the principle that things on Earth are a shadow of things in Heaven; that there is a Tree of Life in Heaven. We do see the Tree of Life mentioned 4 times in Revelations - 2:7, 22:2, 22:14, and 22:19. In 2:7 we read that it is in "the Paradise of God." Is there only 1 Tree of life? Revelations 22:2 mentions the Tree of life being on both sides of the river coming from the throne of God. From this passage it sounds like there are at least two of them. We also see that at least some things on Earth are a shadow of their Heavenly counterpart. The Temple comes to mind. In Colossians 2:17, Hebrews 8:5, 10:1, we read that the Law, the daily sacrifices, and the Temple are shadows of things to come. In Hebrews 9:11 we read of the "greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands," the tabernacle in Heaven. But where in the Bible do we read that the Garden of Eden was a shadow of anything? I haven't found that passage yet. While it is true that the Garden is not mentioned after the expulsion of Adam and Eve, we can pretty easily deduce its fate. In Genesis 6, 7, 8, we read of the flood in the time of Noah. Do not be deceived by liberal theologians and those who accept evolutionary ideas - this was a worldwide flood. The water covered the highest (at the time) peaks to a depth of at least 20 feet, and the water level stayed there for 150 days. Read Genesis 7:18 - 24, and you will find phrases such as, "all the high mountains everywhere under the heavens were covered," and, "and the mountains were covered," and, "All flesh that moved on the earth perished," and, "and all mankind," and, "all that was on the dry land, all (S)in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life, died," and, "every living thing that was upon the face of the land." All means all, not some, not regionally, not locally, ALL! If the Garden of Eden was on Earth, it was destroyed in the flood along with everything else. Some have postulated that the Garden was in the area of Mesopotamia, mainly because of the rivers Tigris and Euphrates mentioned in Genesis 2:14. Remember that the whole surface of the Earth was destroyed. The rivers we call Tigris and Euphrates today are not the same rivers that were called by those names in Genesis 2.
Is Paradise the literal Garden of Eden? I do not believe so. Eden was destroyed in the flood during Noah's time. Eden is never called a shadow of a more perfect Heavenly garden. Indeed, the things that the Bible calls shadows of Heavenly counterparts are related to the Temple, sacrifices, and the Law. There appears to be more than one Tree of Life. I know that God is sovereign and omnipotent, and He has the power to lift Eden from the Earth, but to teach this is, I believe, conjecture and speculation, and I do not believe there is any Biblical evidence for such an idea.
-Christian Researcher-
-June 23, 2006-
Mark, I think the term "Paradise" refers to a section of Hades prior to the crucifixion. There was a hell section and a paradise section and believers in God went to Paradise when they died otherwise known as "Abraham's bosom". These are the souls referred to in scripture where it said that Jesus led captives in His train. In other words, He took these souls to heaven with them. Paradise was NOT heaven at that time.--Jody 9/2/06
Mark, I don't know that you can assume that there are 2 trees of life. The Bible doesn't say that. It says "the" tree of life which implies one. I take it as one big tree and the river runs through it. And by the way, the book is Revelation not with an "s" on the end.
--Jody 9/2/06
I am familiar with the idea of "Abraham's Bosom", and I think a lot of people misunderstand and make too much of it. It is only referred to in 1 parable of Jesus.
I admit, however, that I have not fully researched the question about whether Heaven is Paradise.
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